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Case study C

The therapy was carried out in Agematsu, Nagano prefecture, from 10.00 to 15.00. "

-Who tested: this experiment involved a group of 17 mature women, aged between 40 and 73, an average of 62.2.

-What was tested: at the end of the forest therapy session the following measurements were taken: blood pressure; the concentration of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the subjects' saliva (which increases under stressful conditions); pulsation. The same measurements were carried out the day before, at the same time, so as to have a comparison between the subjects' usual results with those recorded after forest therapy.

The results: it was found that the concentration of salivary cortisol (typical stress hormone) decreased by 26% compared to the measurements taken the day before. After the walk in the forest, the subjects experienced a significantly lower number of pulsations than the one detected the day before the forest therapy. The pulsations are connected to the activity of the autonomic nervous system, the lowering of the heart rate indicates a remarkable state of relaxation. From these results it can be deduced that a forest therapy session lasting a few hours provides relaxing effects to mature women.


  • Therefore, carrying out Forest Bathing is more suitable for women, children and the elderly as this sporting activity promotes immersion in nature within everyone's reach, especially those who are more fragile. From a physical point of view, walks in the woods or forests take place and the intention behind it is to awaken the desire to stay in contact with flora and fauna, and to be able to develop a human and emotional side which today gradually it is being lost more and more, especially in children and adolescents. In this regard, Forest Bathing can be considered a real sporting activity and has the function of encouraging sporting activity in the population, especially among those who do not practice any sport or who are somehow disadvantaged in these terms.

  • The positive aspect of this practice is essentially being able to counteract social marginalization, and therefore allowing everyone to find themselves and reconnect with their ego. Being comfortable with oneself inwardly it becomes easier to accept oneself and being in contact with nature can feed all this. The social benefits of forest diving are:

  •  Increase social interaction

  • Increased empowerment

  • Reduction of aggression

  • Reduction of violence

  • Reduction of fear

  • Reduction of crime rates

  • Improvement of interracial interaction

  • Improvement of social cohesion

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